"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11 (NIV)

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Quilt Qwazy Queens - UFO's

When I stop to look at the accumulated stacks/totes/etc of UFO's that are around my place I can really tell what my favorite steps of the process are - Design, piecing the top (both piecing and applique), and binding. Without my midarm quilting frame/machine set up I struggle to get things quilted unless they are smaller quilts.

 This is the first tote of UFOs that I've got.   Filled with finished quilt tops and finished cross-stitch pieces, this is what I look through first when I need a quick project to finish for someone.
 The stack of finished tops that I've got downstairs.   Two of these need to be shipped off to American Heros with one of the ones in the tote above.   Others are ones that I pieced to finish off and sell or use for future gifts.  In the immediate future I need to either send these off to where they need to go or put them into a tote as I get ready to move.
Another huge tote, this one filled with UFO blocks.   Most of these are from swaps that I've been in over the years.   Enough of these have been pulled and/or used to get the remaining ones into just this tote.

There are several other small totes around the house as well with more UFO blocks in them that I'm slowly working on doing something with.  I'm working on getting them into quilt tops in between other projects, and most of them will be donated to various projects.

And these two UFO's have been hanging up on my design wall since September of 2017.   They were the sum total of my Christmas decorations last year.  They are part of a triptych that I  have planned - both for myself, and for release as patterns.   These two need to be quilted & bound.   The manger scene needs to be designed and made.   Then patterns written up for the shepherds and manger.  This entire project will be the next UFO that I work on this year.

But more importantly, I want to finish this series so that I can hanging them in my new house this coming holiday season.  =)

However, working on any of them is going to have to wait until I get moved into the house that I'm in the process of buying.  And yes, I'm still finding more UFO's as I go through them in order to get everything packed up.

There are two Rafflecopter giveaways today that you can enter.  The first one is for a $150 gift certificate from The Fat Quarter Shop.  Click on the logo below to open up the Rafflecopter giveaway.  This giveaway will end on March 22nd.

The second Rafflecopter giveaway for today is for a set of X-Block Rulers.  This giveaway will end on Friday, March 16th.

To see what else everyone else is posting about today and during the rest of the blog hop click on the links below.

Thursday, March 15, 2018
Friday, March 16, 2018
Monday, March 19, 2018
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Farm Quilter said...

Look at you being on a Rafflecopter!!! Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GranChris said...

Moving is miserable, good luck. That isn't very many.

Marian said...

WoW, that's a lot of UFO's, I do not think I can even come close to having so many, but fun it is to see them... Won't be easy to make that move, but once it's done you'll be happier not having to stress over it anymore. Thanks so much for participating Moira.

Sharon Aurora said...

That's quite stash of UFOs. I hope you get moved in soon so you can get back to work on them. I like your Christmas wall hangings.

Jodi - usairdoll said...

Working on UFOs and moving? You’re amazing! Love your manger pattern and will be waiting to see it completely finished. Thanks for sharing.

usairdoll (at) gmail (dot) com

Elizabeth Coughlin said...

Good luck with the new house! Hopefully you’ll get some time to tackle some of that large stash of UFOs once you get settled!

FunThreads Designs said...

And I thought I had a lot of UFO's....nope you win:)

sketchrs said...

Quite a few UFOs. Lots of fun working those I'm sure. Good luck with the move.

Carol Swift said...

I have a big container like that full of UFO's, too. Hopefully once you're settled in your new house you can thin that UFO pile a bit!

rosemaryschild said...

It looks like you are going to have a busy year - lots of scraps & UFO's to finish up! Good luck, Susan

Calicojoan said...

I thought they made those containers specifically for us quilters. I've been filling them up as the come in the house! LOL!!!! One of these days...they will be empty.

Janet said...

I wish all my UFOs could fit in one container, lol!

Lori said...

good luck on your move. well, now you will know where all of your UFOs are.
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

Charlene McCain said...

I thought I had a lot of UFO's! At least you have them organized and neatly stored. Good luck moving into your new house!

Scrapatches said...

I have large stack of finished tops, bags of blocks (many of them swap blocks) and many more UFOs. I hope to get a few done this year ... without generating more. Best wishes in your new home. May you bee sewing soon ... :) Pat

Tu-Na Quilts said...

Your UFOs are very organized. Mine are in hiding closets, shoved under beds, lurking in dark corners. Here's wishing you luck on finishing some of them after you've settled into your new place.

Marti said...

I have so many UFOs I've lost count but have been working on a king size for my daughter. Seems it will never end. Also want to say how much I like your bears. I think my favorite so far is the quilting one. Thank you for the patterns.

Mary said...

Hey, I have those same totes full and stacked. Making blocks is addictive. Nice to have a stack of projects to quilt. Don't worry, you'recognize in good company. Good luck with your move. I lost a few UFO'S last time I moved.

Susan said...

That's a lot of UFO's - have fun!

Kathy H said...

That doesn’t look like too many ufos. Moving is so much work!

Sewgirl said...

You have a lot to keep you busy!! Thanks for sharing.

Lisa England said...

That's a good way to look at UFOs -- something to use when you need a quick project!

Beatrice said...

Wow, that is a lot of UFO's. It's hard to finish a project if you don't love it anymore. I usually give those away and finish only what I really like.

Pam McDonald said...

Totes of UFO's! I have quite a few tops that I have finished, but they will need batting and backing. Which is the most expensive part ;)
Hopefully you will have a big sewing room in your new place that you can store and hang your UFO's, that should keep you inspired.

Thanks for sharing those UFO's!

Liz Horgan said...

Good for you -- you have you're UFOs organized!
Good luck with the move and then finishing some!

Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net said...

OK -- you win:) You have a lot more UFO's than I do. But don't let them bother you. You have enough on your plate with your move. I decided Moving is not to be taken lightly. We moved from IL to AL almost 5 years ago. Enjoy your new home.

Brenda Hulsey said...

I have so many ufo's it's awful!

Jayne said...

Everyone has UFOs so don't stress to much. Enjoy your new home first

Magpie Sue said...

I don't even want to think about having to move, unearthing all the stuff/projects I have stashed in our little bungalow! Good luck with yours!

Angie said...

Thanks for sharing your projects. They are cool. Have a great day! angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom

Seacoast Quilter said...

I barely consider a finished top a UFO... to me it is things in some partial state of piecing. Thanks for sharing your stacks and bins. I'll be moving next year and I'm sure I'll find some I've forgotten.

ShirleyC said...

I hope you can make some progress when you get moved. Keep us updated!

Susan said...

I'm behind already!

JANET said...

Time to get off the computer and dig out some UFOs!