Those that have seen my fabric stash (and everything else I've got craft wise) know that I have a big stash....and in all honesty I have to admit I've got more fabric than some of the quilt shops that I've been in. Oops.....
It has been accumulated over many years, some of which I was working in a fabric store (not helpful when you tend to collect too much....but oh that discount....lol). Even moving frequently did not get the stash under control like it really needs to be.
One of my goals for this year is to downsize at least somewhat.........no not dramatically, but to where I know where things are (in other words get it organized) and get what I don't want anymore out of here.

I've got everything from yardage (lots and lots!), FQ's, Precuts, scraps, clothing and quilting fabrics. I've a couple of totes full of fabrics that were for scrub tops, but between trying to survive and not hearing from the gal these were for several yrs, I'm not sure what to do with this fabric. I do know I need to figure out what is up with her and if these are still wanted.
In addition, I could possibly end up moving again in order to find a better job. And I really don't need to continue to haul all of this around. No, I'm not going to get rid of it all...........nope, no way no how will that happen, lol. However, I do need to downsize and get rid of the things that no longer give me joy or that I no longer work with.

I've gone through most of my non-quilting fabric stash, and have just the tote fabrics left to go once I find which tote or box they are in. So far I've three packing boxes filled with clothing fabrics that are ready to be donated somewhere (hopefully not just to a thrift shop). In these boxes are about 115 yds of fabric ready to go to some group that can use them.
I've also gone through my precuts and have pulled several precut sets out to sell. Just need to get them listed somewhere so I can sell them.
Out of the 5 xerox boxes that I emptied, were these 5 pieces that I'm keeping at this point for quilts or for tops. One batik, and 4 pieces that are embroidered. Time will tell what I do with these.
Lots more to go thru, sort and put into some sort of order. But at least I've made a start.
1. My new glasses (that weren't in the budget) have arrived and have really helped with the vision problems I was having.......now to find some place that can do the final adjustment needed on them.
2. For not getting the freezing rain that the panhandle got yesterday.